Sales Page Spring 2024 - Short - Relaxed Money with Kate Northrup
Get A Year of Coaching, Nervous System Healing, and Community By Signing Up by 4/29 at 11:59pm ET!

Finally Get To The Root Of Your Relationship With Money So You Can Create Lasting Abundance

Learn how to rewire your relationship with money, heal your financial legacy, and feel like YOU control your finances… Not the other way around!

Join Us Now

As Seen On

What Our Students are Saying About Kate:

  1. Liberating.

    “For a long time, my financial situation stirred anxiety and my solution was to bury my head in the sand. This course taught me that having clarity in your personal finance bubble is absolutely liberating.”

    Dana E. Craig
  2. I increased my credit score, paid down debt, secured high-paying work and booked a luxurious vacation!

    “Since taking the course, I am proud to say that my financial fears are a thing of the past. During this program, I learned how to implement a family budget. I also successfully applied for a line of credit, enabling me to consolidate my credit card debts and halving the interest. This, along with paying down $9,500 of IBARs, resulted in a credit score increase of over 50 points to 814. I even secured high-paying work that requires only 20 hours of my week. Additionally, I was able to plan and book a luxurious vacation and put more focus on self-love throughout the process. Even when the going got tough, I persevered and stayed committed to the work. Overall, the course has been nothing short of life-changing, and I’m grateful for it every day.”

    Kate Juniper
  3. For the first time, I know how to deal with money!

    “I really love the way Kate uses the examples from her own life and shares her Truth. Before this, money felt like a complete stranger to me. No one around me feels real self-confidence with money. After Relaxed Money, It feels like for the first time in my life someone taught me how to deal with money and to connect with money.”

    Petra Adriaanse
  4. I’ve become a better steward of my money.

    “I was feeling anxious and overwhelmed about my finances, but signing up for the course helped me gain control and insight into my spending patterns. The Money Love Story exercise was incredibly empowering, allowing me to express gratitude for my financial journey and giving me a clearer perspective on how to move forward. The program’s flexibility and accessibility have been a game-changer, allowing me to work at my own pace without added stress. Overall, I’m so grateful for this opportunity to become a better steward of my money.”

    Kara Teising
  5. This course changed my life.

    “The first time I did it I realized how much healing I needed to do around childhood trauma and how that related to money fear. I’m doing it again now and I can’t believe how different my approach is this time.”

    Maryanne Paul
  6. Phenomenal.

    “I have to share that the healing that’s starting to occur around my money is phenomenal. Working the nervous system pieces and body first mantra has allowed me to be more receptive to receiving.”

    Michele Smith
  7. I have a cushion and I’m ahead of my bills!

    “Not only have I been debt-free for over a year (besides our mortgage), I have been putting cushion into all of my budget categories and I am a month or more ahead on my bills. You can do this too!”

    Darnell Williams

What if NOW is *your* time to become a masterful steward of your money?

Have you been feeling like the signs are all pointing towards…

“It’s time to ACTUALLY figure this out, for real?”

(If  you’ve recently experienced unexpected financial chaos or gravitated towards financial leadership… Those glimmers are telling you to pay attention!)

With your permission, I would LOVE to share my approach to healing your relationship with money, and help you transform it to be healthier and happier — so that no matter what challenges come your way, your mind, body, *and* bank account will be equipped to support you.

Thousands Around the Globe Are Implementing Powerful Money Systems that Serve Them, Increasing Their Income & Paying Off Debt, and Calling In Abundance In a New Sovereign Way Without Working Themselves Into the Ground

What’s the new way?

Getting into a relaxed state around money.

When we understand our money stories…
When we regulate our nervous system…
When we align with our natural cycles…

… We allow ourselves to make informed decisions and find new solutions.

Put simply, we start to view money through the lens of joy, possibility and expansion—one you can pass down to your own kids or share with your loved ones.

That means that instead of holding your breath when facing your bank accounts or preparing for a fight before starting money conversations with your partner, you might find yourself:

  • Lovingly logging your daily expenses
  • Setting money “dates” to view your finances
  • Making decisions for your business with clarity

… Not to mention having a solid retirement plan, savings for kids’ college education in the bank and taking them to Disney World in between (or yourself to Paris!).

If you’re thinking, “Kate, this sounds like a dream—not even close to my reality!”—well, then let’s dare to dream.

You DESERVE a life where your head hits your pillow every single night *without* worrying about money.

When you know how to relax when it comes to money, you can navigate whatever comes your way (challenging client situations, layoffs, market volatility, divorce) with all of your wits about you, the ability to make smart, powerful decisions, and the capacity to take aligned action.

Cultivate a relationship of relaxation with money, and you’ll operate from a place of peace and abundance — knowing you have what you need, and you can get more anytime you want.


When You Do the Inner Work Around Money, Your Outer Financial Reality Changes… 

… And you actually get to enjoy it!

Most people focus on the “outer” work first—your financial systems around money—and wonder why they can’t get their outer results to stick or why they still feel anxious (like 75% of women making $250K+ a year* who don’t feel in control, and pressured to do more more more).

When you do the deep inner work to rewire your brain and heal your nervous system surrounding money—and then integrate loving financial systems, you can stay in a positive cycle of attracting money and knowing what to do with it.

Inner Work

  • Excavating your money story and consciously re-writing it
  • Opening up yourself to magnetically attract and manifest money (so it flows through you *and* around you)
  • Updating your money mindset so that you’re taking powerful, aligned action that gets results
  • Re-wiring your brain and nervous system so your new, prosperous habits become automatic
  • Learning to work with your emotions (instead of ignoring them or letting them hijack you) so that they’re fueling, instead of thwarting, your financial dreams

Outer Work

  • Aligning your spending with what really matters
  • Making money part of your spiritual practice
  • Infusing fun and pleasure into all things financial
  • Setting up powerful, pleasurable financial systems
  • Seeing money everywhere through the eyes of opportunity and service
  • Getting your money to work for you

If You Want To Make, Grow, Save, And Give More Money — While Feeling Totally At *Peace*…

I’d love to show you how…


A LIVE, 13-week online program with LIVE teaching, community, and support.

Finally, you’ll find lasting safety, peace and relaxation around money — so that you can become a magnet for abundance.

Together, we’ll upgrade your money mindset, create new emotional blueprints around money, heal your nervous system in relation to receiving and expanding, put practical financial systems in place, and so much more!

This Is For Ambitious People Who Want To Make, Grow, Save, And Give More Money — While Feeling Totally At *Peace*.

This is…

  • For entrepreneurs who want to feel relaxed while growing their revenue.
  • For executives who want to trust themselves with money.
  • For creatives who want to know they can always take care of themselves and their families with surplus.
  • For leaders in the home who want to pass along a healthy money legacy to their kids.
  • For ambitious humans who’re ready for the level of financial success they have (or have the potential for) on the outside to match the level of financial power and ease they feel on the inside.

When you join Relaxed Money, you’ll learn how to:

  • Clarify what you do and do not have agency over, so you can break free from inherited money patterns that are within your control (like thinking “I’ll never be good with money”) and avoid passing them along to the next generation.
  • Expand your nervous system’s capacity to receive and savor abundance so that you become an energetic match for continued and expanded prosperity and pleasure.
  • Create financial systems that are actually fun to maintain and set you up to really trust yourself with money.
  • Set and get on track with short and long-term financial goals.

Finally, find a sense of mastery over your financial present and future—with the tools, practices, systems *and* community to help you navigate any challenges that come your way.



Here’s what Relaxed Money includes:

  1. 13 Live & Interactive Modules Taught by Kate (Value: $4,050)
  2. Course Content Access For One Year (Value: $1,000)
  3. Exclusive invitation and discounted pricing for the next Relaxed Money LIVE Event (Value: $2,0o0)
  4. Our 6 Most Popular Wealth-Accelerating Bonus Courses (Value: $1,898)
  1. Pillar 1: Fixing Your Financial Foundation

  2. Module 1

    Money and Your Nervous System

    The missing piece of the financial wellness world is the nervous system! Your body has a set point for how much abundance you feel safe experiencing, and this set point overrides the actions you take. Fortunately, you can change the setting through specific practices that will first help you feel safe, and then expand your capacity to experience financial abundance. (They expand your ability to experience joy, calm, and pleasure, too!)

    Includes these resources:

    • Money Clarity Worksheet
    • Financial Snapshot
    • Spending Plan Template
    • Expanding Your Range of Resonance
    • The Cycle of Money Creation
  3. Module 2

    Money and Your Emotions

    Burnout, anxiety, overwhelm, and exhaustion aren’t always a result of having too much to do. A leading cause of these feelings is actually being conditioned to stuff your emotions and not metabolize them properly. You know what can bring up a lot of emotions? Money! We’ll learn a variety of techniques to productively metabolize your emotions so that you free yourself from financial fear, overwhelm, anxiety and avoidance.

    Includes these resources:

    • The Relaxed Money Activation Process
    • Emotional Metabolism Practice
  4. Module 3

    Rewiring Your Money Beliefs

    Uncover the conscious and, most importantly, unconscious money beliefs that are keeping you from being in charge of your money (while growing it) and get you on the path to creating a financial reality that’s in alignment with your desires. Discover how you can use your energy and agency to consciously create the money reality you desire instead of unconsciously living out past programming.

    Includes these resources:

    • Rewire Your Money Beliefs Process
  5. Module 4

    Rewriting Your Money Story

    Your history with money will continue to create your present and future unless you consciously interrupt the pattern. We’ll first lay the foundations of understanding your money story and using it to rewire and rewrite a new money story. Then we’ll build on it so you can release resentments, liberate yourself and others through forgiveness, and alchemize your money story into something truly beautiful that you’re proud of and excited to continue to write every day.

    Includes these resources:

    • Money Love Story Writing Guide
  6. Pillar 2: Aligning with Abundance

  7. Module 5

    Manifestation Reimagined

    Learn how to use your body as an energy conductor to magnetize abundance. Did you know that according to quantum physics all matter, including your body, is simply energy? When we change our emotional and nervous system state from one of constriction to relaxation, we also change our energetic vibration. When we change our vibration, we show up in the world completely differently, and we attract and create new, abundant experiences.

    Includes these resources:

    • 7 Steps to Money Manifestation
  8. Module 6

    Your Money Makeover

    How we do things matters just as much, if not more, than what we do. We’ll make a map of the tasks, financial professionals, accounts, income streams, assets, liabilities, and everything else that goes into our financial lives and give it an abundance makeovert. And don’t worry: this is practical stuff, not just energetics. You’ll learn how you can upgrade your state of being in daily, doable, and practical ways that enhance your finances.

    Includes these resources:

    • Abundance Audit
  9. Module 7

    Money, Sex, and Power

    Making or having the most money doesn’t necessarily give you the most financial power. Something else does. (Hint: It has to do with Source.) And the good news is you can access it no matter the state of your bank account or balance sheet. Imagine what would be possible for you if you knew you had access to financial power 24/7 and you knew how to use it to create the life you want. After this module you’ll be able to step into that power. (This module also addresses structural and systemic inequities and how we can acknowledge them while also co-creating the reality we desire.)

    Includes these resources:

    • Money & Power Journaling Exercise

Transform Your Relationship With Money—Forever.

  1. I’ve learned nervous system healing tools that have been life-changing.

    “Money has always been a source of stress for me. I joined Relaxed Money to heal my relationship with money with my husband/business partner, and I am so glad I did. Thanks to the course, we’ve opened up communication about our finances, and I’ve learned nervous system healing tools that have been life-changing. Now, I feel much calmer and more relaxed when looking at our bank accounts, and I’m having fewer triggered money conversations with my husband. Thank you, Kate, for helping me transform my relationship with money!”

    Nicole Hancock

  2. Whenever I feel stressed about money, I turn to Kate’s practices.

    “My relationship with money has been a source of stress and anxiety for years. However, ever since I started Kate’s program, I have noticed significant improvements in my finances and money habits. Thanks to Relaxed Money, I now feel more confident in my ability to increase my income and net worth, without constantly having to hustle for it. Whenever I feel stressed about money, I turn to nervous system practices that Kate taught us, helping me soothe myself and move forward with a clear and calm mindset. The course has truly changed my mindset towards money, and I cannot recommend it enough to anyone who wants to establish a positive and healthy relationship with their finances.”

    Ajarae Coleman

  3. Highly recommend it!

    “I joined Relaxed Money to discover how to tap into the energy of money effectively. Through the program, I have learned how to feel safe and powerful in making money, without any fear or anxiety. The course has helped me develop a new perspective on money – it’s simply an exchange for goods, and there is no need to get wrapped up in so many emotions. I highly recommend Relaxed Money—it’s a game-changer!”

    — Lori Friedman

  4. My anxiety has shifted to empowerment.

    “I joined Relaxed Money because I wanted to shed my negative beliefs around money once and for all. After I finished the program, I can now look at my finances without my heart rate going up, and I truly believe that I am on a path to more abundance. I have faith in that truth more than I ever have in my life. My results so far have been in shifting my beliefs and stress around my money story. I’ve lived with significant money anxiety for way too many years, and I am so grateful now to see that anxiety shift to empowerment. I can feel a peaceful knowing in my body that financial stability is definitely my new reality.”

    — Anne Smith

  5. I’m making decisions that feel more expansive and exciting.

    “Kate— there are truly no words for how much this course has changed my life. Of course, it’s about the money, but really diving into my beliefs has helped me understand so much more about myself and the choices I’ve made in my life. I have so much more compassion and love for myself. I know that thanks to what I did in Relaxed Money. Money and I are getting more and more comfortable with each other, I’m starting to trust it and I’m starting to make decisions (and seed dreams) that feel way more expansive and exciting. I will finally be able to welcome in all the abundance and the love that I’ve always desired. It’s truly amazing.”

    — Shauna Hardy

  6. I have more hope!

    “I have always felt unsafe around money and never had any guidance. I wanted to feel free around my finances and eliminate debt without it feeling like I had to sacrifice my life. After going through Relaxed Money, I am able to look at money as an energy and mindset rather than something that controls me and my emotions. I can create safety within my body and peace of mind when I start to feel stressed about my debt and current financial position. I have more hope and know that I can have the “feeling” of financial freedom” ANY TIME, that I’ve been wanting so badly… thinking I had to “get there” to experience peace of mind around money. I’m so grateful for Kate.

    — Corissa Alvarez

  1. Pillar 3: Masterful Money Stewardship

  2. Module 8

    Finding Your Enough Number

    What makes each of us feel abundant is unique. We exchange money so that we can get things that we value. And we receive money in exchange for the value we’ve provided or for something we have that they value. If you’re like most, no one ever taught you how to align your finances with your values. This module will walk you through not only how to identify what really matters, but also how to make your spending, saving, and investing aligned with it so you get more of what you want. We’ll walk through a process to identify what you actually need to feel like there’s finally enough and you’re living your rich life confidently. We’ll also dive into a simple process for making financial decisions on what to buy, what to invest in, and more. Knowing how to make quick, wise decisions will save you time and energy, and help you trust yourself implicitly with money. You’ll also craft your original Abundance Agreements.

    Includes these resources:

    • Peak Experience Exercise
    • Aligning Your Spending With Your Values Process
    • Abundance Agreements Worksheet
    • Your Enough Number Calculator
  3. Module 9

    Cashflow Management

    We’ll walk through the elements you need in your abundant cashflow management system. You’ll learn how to set up this system so it works for you, and how to maintain and deepen it with joy. You’ll identify and plug any money leaks and and learn the anatomy of a Money Love Date. Plus, you’ll be set up to manage your money joyfully with your partner (if you have one) and a system to teach your kids to steward their money well if you’re a parent.

    Includes these resources:

    • Relaxed Money Management System
    • Financial Self-Care Checklist
    • Money Love Date Checklist
    • How to Teach Your Kids About Money
    • Color By Number Income Distribution Template
  4. Module 10

    Making More Money & Becoming A Money Magnet

    Money is everywhere. Learning to see and tap into it energetically and literally is a skill you can learn. You’ll learn 47 ways to generate income, many of which you’ve never heard of before, and you’ll learn a new way to see the world so you can tap into the money that’s flowing all around you at all times. You’ll make a plan to increase your income right now and see how you can access more money anytime you want. Finally, you’ll be introduced to ways to make money that don’t require trading hours for dollars.

    Includes these resources:

    • 50 Ways to Make More Money
    • Cashflow Quadrant
  5. Module 11

    Invoices for Blessings Already Received (AKA Breaking the Debt Cycle)

    Debt isn’t bad. How you relate to it, however, is everything. Learn a simple system for getting your debt paid off while melting away shame, guilt, or heaviness you’re holding about it. When you combine the practical system with the emotional and energetic release work, you’ll pay off your debt more easily and have more space for abundance.We’ll also dive into how to use debt in a positive way to increase your financial leverage.

    Includes these resources:

    • Debt Elimination Prioritization Worksheet
    • The Financial Forgiveness Process and Prayer
    • Invoices for Blessings Already Received Alchemy Process
  6. Module 12

    Cycle Sync Your Money

    When we align our lives with the cycles in our bodies, nature, and the cosmos, we tap into energy and power sources that we never knew were there before. Organizing your financial tasks with either your menstrual cycle, the lunar cycle, or both will add rich, nutrient-dense fertilizer to your relationship with money. You’ll leave with a 4-phase cyclical plan for your financial life that you can follow for the rest of your life!

    Includes these resources:

    • Cyclical Money Management
    • Money Love Practices
  7. Module 13

    Wealth Secrets

    We can’t be what we can’t see so this module is pulling back the curtain. There are ways that are accessible to you now to get your money making more money for you and the sooner you start, the more you can take advantage of them. Learn some of the common and lesser known strategies people building true wealth use to keep, grow, and pass along their assets. Discover the wonder of compounding interest, the pros and cons of different investment vehicles, and start to think and act rich to grow your abundance.

    Includes these resources:

    • Freedom Number Calculator
    • 8 Ways To Get Your Money Working For You

    Feng Shui for Relaxed Money

    The ancient Chinese art of placement, Feng Shui, is the closest thing to magic I’ve ever learned or taught. I’m certified as a Feng Shui Consultant and I’m going to teach you the strategies to set up your home and/or office so that it becomes a magnet for prosperity and power. Every time my clients and I implement these strategies in my own space, financial miracles happen. Every. Single. Time.

    Includes these resources:

    • Feng Shui for Abundance Workbook


Plus, You Also Get…

Course Content Access For One Year (Value: $1,000)

Go through all the material with me LIVE and then keep it at your fingertips for an ENTIRE year so you can revisit the lessons for rich digestion and integration.

Exclusive discounted pricing for the next Relaxed Money LIVE Event (Value: $2,000)

As a Relaxed Money student, you’ll get access to exclusive discounted pricing for the next run of Relaxed Money LIVE, where we’ll spend the day together in beautiful Miami integrating, celebrating, connecting and taking the next steps from where the Relaxed Money curriculum leaves off.

Gather with myself, my husband and business partner Mike, special guest speakers, members of our team, and your fellow Relaxed Money pupils to celebrate how far you’ve come, learn even more embodiment practices for integration in real-time with me, and discover the next steps to become a powerful steward of wealth, all while cross-pollinating with your fellow students to meet new friends, collaborators, clients, and more!


AND On The First Enrollment Day,
You Can Grab This Fast-Action Bonus

Worth Over $8,400!

expiring on April 29th at 11:59pm ET


Until April 29th at 11:59pm ET, you can get access to an ENTIRE year of exclusive monthly group coaching sessions with Kate. That’s right… after the 13 LIVE & interactive modules wrap up, you’ll still be able to get direct access to Kate via regular group money coaching and Q&A calls over 12 months.

What’s more, we’ll also add you to a private online community space, where you can connect with your fellow Relaxed Money students, get any burning questions answered by our Relaxed Money team, and receive the practical, 24/7 support you need to stay motivated on the transformative journey to growing your money, stress-free.

After this fast-action bonus expires, you’ll still be able to add it to your cart — but it’ll cost an additional $500 on top of the payment plan or pay in full price of Relaxed Money. Grab it now while it’s available, and secure your front row seat to an entire year’s worth of coaching calls with Kate… included in your tuition for Relaxed Money!

Discover high-payoff regulation techniques to help you create expanded capacity in your nervous system to receive more abundance with ease!



  • 13 LIVE & Interactive Modules Taught by Kate (Value: $4,050)
  • Course Content Access For One Year (Value: $1,000)
  • Exclusive invitation and discounted pricing for the next Relaxed Money Live Event (Value: $2,000)
  • Our 6 Most Popular Wealth-Accelerating Bonus Courses (Value: $1,898)




  • 13 LIVE & Interactive Modules Taught by Kate (Value: $4,050)
  • Course Content Access For One Year (Value: $1,000)
  • Exclusive invitation and discounted pricing for the next Relaxed Money Live Event (Value: $2,000)
  • Our 6 Most Popular Wealth-Accelerating Bonus Courses (Value: $1,898)

PLUS get the special PAY IN FULL ONLY BONUS, valued at $997:




The Impact On Our Collective Community Spans The Globe—And Changes Lives. 


    Merel and Keith Kriegsman
    Business Mentors and Wealth Advocates

    Lisa Fraley
    Attorney, Sedona, AZ

    Danielle Brooker
    Coach, UK

    Ajarae Coleman
    Actor and Coach, Los Angeles, CA

Hi! I’m Kate Northrup—Your Relaxed Money Guide, Bestselling Author & Emotional Alchemist.

In 2011, I paid off over $20,000 in debt in 6 months, tripled my income, and doubled my savings. And it wasn’t because I started a side hustle, stopped buying lattes, or implemented some personal finance hack.

It was a series of unconventional steps I took, then replicated these results with 5,000+ worldwide students (since 2012) who have taken The Money Love Course, and countless others who’ve read my bestselling book “Money: A Love Story.”

Over the past decade, people have continued to share the results they’ve created. And since then, I’ve gathered new financial wisdom as a mother, a provider for my family, as a homeowner, and as an investor.

And just like you, I’ve also had my share of unexpected challenges that forced me to shift my thinking.

When my husband got sick in 2021, we found ourselves stretched thin—we were paying for two households in Maine and Miami, shifting schools for our kids, and suddenly: much of the parenting and money making landed on my shoulders.

(Note: I acknowledge that I was already in a privileged position where our basic needs were being met.)

Even though I’d taught others how to take steps to fall in love with their money for years, with the added pressure of the pandemic and personal challenges, I’ll be real with you: I realized financial pressure had started to become a motivator for me along the way.

I just didn’t know who I’d be without the pressure.

That’s when I knew there was something deeper that I needed to uncover—and I did.

For 90 days, I ran an experiment where I wouldn’t give myself permission to feel financial pressure… And relax instead.

Everything turned around almost instantly.

We met all our financial goals, took stress off the table, and making money actually became EASIER. And now:

I don’t just have a love story with money: I have one with my nervous system, too.

I’m obsessed with the brilliance of its ability to protect us or create expansion. My own nervous system healing since 2016 has resulted in a financial experience that’s been nothing short of miraculous and includes:

  • Working part-time while running a 7-figure business
  • Simplifying our financial management system and increasing profits by 4X
  • Maintaining financial stability while growing a family and navigating my husband’s chronic illness and inconsistent ability to work
  • Taking a 7-week sabbatical this past summer, hitting our previous year’s revenue by the end of Q3, and having the highest revenue year to date

And most importantly, discovering how to tap into a source of perpetual financial calm that’s independent of my earnings yet is critical to attracting ongoing abundance.

Folks often tell me I can make the most complicated things simple, doable, and approachable—and that’s exactly what you’ll find in Relaxed Money. There’s no silver bullet, magic trick or shortcut: this is deep and expansive work, but it doesn’t have to be rocket science.

With more than a decade of practice, I’ve distilled the most important and impactful lessons about money into an easy-to-consume live experience, and I am so excited to share it with you.

What Experts Are Saying About Kate:

  1. “When I’m in Relaxed Money and doing it I am a complete money magnet. When I’m doing the modules it just crates a different energy so I definitely want to renew because I just want that energy. It’s almost like an insurance policy. When you focus on it, it creates ease. It’s like the money you spend on this program ensures you’re gonna make the money you should be making because you’re putting attention on it and in the energy!”

  2. “Kate totally transformed my beliefs around fear and money.”

    Kris Carr
    NY Times Bestselling Author of Crazy Sexy Kitchen
  3. “I’ve never seen someone as clear, articulate, and downright MOTIVATING around showing women that path to financial freedom.”

    Marie Forleo
    NT Times Bestselling Author of Everything is Figureoutable & Creator of B-School
  4. “Ten years ago I took my first money course with Kate Northrup. From that experience I created millions and became ME. Changed my life and how I receive and connect with money in my life.”

    Allyson Bird
    Money Mindset Strategist
  5. “Kate’s work changed my life…I went from living paycheck to paycheck to real abundance and even becoming an investor through her work.”

    Layla Martin
    Founder of VitaTM Institute
  6. “Kate’s work radically shifted my relationship with money for the better. It allowed me to loosen my grip, to soften, and for my journey with my finances to truly become a part of my self love practice.”

    Mel Wells
    bestselling author and Embodied Leadership and Intimacy Coach

Still Wondering If Relaxed Money Is What You Need *Right* Now, At This Moment?

Relaxed Money is NOT for you if:

✕ You’re struggling to meet your basic financial needs like food and shelter

✕ You don’t believe the inner work is relevant to managing your finances

✕ You’re dealing with an extreme financial challenge

(While this program *can* help you in the future, THIS is not the time. I encourage you to focus on reaching a place of stability before investing in a program like this.)

But Relaxed Money IS for you if:

✓ You make great money already, but you still feel afraid and anxious

✓ You want to feel as powerful in your relationship with money as you appear on the outside

✓ You want to make more money, but you don’t want to sacrifice the things and people that matter most to you in the process

✓ You crave trusting yourself with money: you know how to make it, what to do with it when it comes in, and that you’re good with money

✓ You’ve experienced increasing your income only to increase your expenses and actually not feel more abundant as your income goes up

✓ You would love solid financial systems that feel really good to maintain

✓ You want to feel relaxed when it comes to money

✓ You would like to pay off debt without feeling deprived in the process

✓ You want to feel in control of your finances instead of waiting for the next big client, deal or windfall

✓ You want to be on track to build, maintain, and grow lasting wealth


  1. I never thought I’d feel this confident.

    “Since completing Relaxed Money, I have a more positive and grateful mindset towards my finances. I no longer feel ashamed or regretful about money issues and instead approach them with a loving and healing attitude. In particular, the nervous system healing tools have been a great resource in dealing with challenging financial situations. I never thought I would be able to feel this confident and in control of my money. I love my money—it is a gift that supports my up-leveling in life and has a ripple effect. It allows me to set realistic goals and to have FUN.”

    — Hilary Smith

  2. I’m more optimistic, abundant, and empowered with my finances.

    “I was struggling to manage my finances and constantly worried about the future. However, since joining the Relaxed Money program, I have noticed a significant positive change in my relationship with money. Not only has my income increased, but I am also more aware and conscious of my spending habits, which has resulted in reduced expenses and decreased financial stress. The program has helped me feel more optimistic, abundant, and empowered when it comes to managing my finances, and I am excited to continue incorporating the Relaxed Money principles to further expand my financial growth.”

    — Renn Story Pruitt

  3. I’m more mindful of my spending.

    “The way Kate communicates was what drew me in and incorporating the nervous system with financial literacy was a game-changer. The Relaxed Money principles have made me more mindful of my spending and helped me realize the importance of surrendering control, seeking help, and delegating responsibilities.”

    — Harper

  4. I’ve confronted my money fears.

    “Before taking the course, I had urgent money issues and needed some tools to figure out how to deal with it. Since joining Relaxed Money, I’ve experienced positive changes such as becoming more aware of my net worth, implementing the profit first method with my studio, and using Mint to track my spending. Additionally, I was able to have more productive money conversations with my husband and gain clarity on how to work with our investment property. Overall, this course has given me the confidence to confront my money fears and take control of my finances.”

    — Heather


Before you tell yourself, “maybe I’ll try this another time” — slide into the driver’s seat with me for a moment.

Take the wheel. Take a breath. Imagine that in this moment, you have full and total control of your finances *and* your emotions.

  • When you look at your bank account later today, your heart rate won’t go up.
  • When you look at your calendar, it’s filled with less work. (But you’re making more money.)
  • When an emergency happens and you need savings to dip into, you have it.

Doesn’t that feel deliciously good?

Here’s why:

When you put yourself in the driver’s seat of your financial life, you truly hold *power*.

And when we get comfortable in the backseat, we let ourselves be controlled: by our nervous system, by the people around us, by our work—anything can knock us off balance.

That sense of power starts leaking everywhere, which is why even the most successful careers can have the messiest credit card statements.

How much could be amplified if we took our money *and* the energetics behind it seriously?

That’s what I want to show you.

Relaxed Money isn’t just about making more money.

It’s about giving you the gift of choice.

When you want something, you have the confidence to go for it… And money won’t be the primary deciding factor.

You can book that flight to Florence for summer vacation.
You can send your kid to the best school in your neighborhood.
You can buy your parents their dream home.
You can take your family to beautiful dinners they’ll remember forever.

You can build your golden nest egg and be on track to be work optional sooner rather than later.
You can write a check to a values-aligned organization you love.

Wherever your priorities lie, this system gives you the choice to invest in them —with safety and confidence.

If you’ve read this far, chances are, you’re ready to really and truly transform your relationship with money.

I’m handing you the map to get you started, right now.

Start the ignition, and let’s hit the road together.

It’s your time.


  1. I tripled my monthly income!

    “Thanks to Kate’s coaching in Relaxed Money, I am now excited to look at my bank accounts and feel powerful around money. Before going though the program, I would hold my breath without knowing, feel nausea and get all tense! My body thought I might die from just looking at numbers on the computer screen! But the somatic healing has been incredible: I feel more comfortable in my own skin and I am confident in the flow of it!! I also had several money miracles including that I tripled my monthly income. Truly this course was magic and paid for itself many times over!!! I feel so blessed to have found Kate, Mike, and the rest of The Origin team.”

    — Melissa Tully

  2. I’ve tried so many things, but this helped me turn a page.

    “I truly wanted to get a grasp on my finances. I have been self-employed most of my life as a creative and having fluctuating income has always made budgeting a struggle. I am really grateful for Relaxed Money. I have finally moved through working from a place of lack and into a place of abundance. I have tried many things to do this in the past but this time adding the somatic work with the tools and mindset work truly helped me turn a page in my multi-chaptered book called life. I know it is going to make major differences for me in my life and business.”

    — Jenn

  3. My income increased!

    “For the first time in my entire life, I’m no longer living paycheck-to-paycheck! My income has increased, I’ve cut down on my spending, and I am taking active steps to clean up old money business I had previously ignored for the last decade.”

    — Nicole Callahan

  4. I look at my financial picture in a more skilful way.

    “I joined Relaxed Money because I wanted to gain practical knowledge about handling money and to change my relationship with it. After completing the program, I am able to look at my total financial picture in a more skillful way.”

    — Ranit

  5. I feel so much lighter and at ease.

    “I joined Relaxed Money because I needed to find ways to deal with debt, my inheritance, under-earning, and my general fear around money and my self worth. Now I feel so much lighter and at ease. Not just about my money but about myself, my past, and my uncomfortable emotions.”

    — Sana Nagano

Our Community Celebrates Money Miracles ALL The Time. See For Yourself!

  1. More projects, more contracts and financial abundance.

    “I cannot express enough how much the Relaxed Money course has transformed my life. I have implemented the integrated nervous system tools and consequently made room for more projects, leading to more contracts and, ultimately, greater financial abundance. What’s more, I no longer feel overwhelmed or ashamed of my financial picture; I feel empowered, safe and at peace with my money, and I trust that it is with me to fulfill my purpose. Thanks to Relaxed Money, my money now empowers me to trust myself more fully.”

    —Alyssa Delbaere-Sawchuk

  2. I feel calm and in control of my finances.

    “Before taking the Relaxed Money, I was constantly stressed about my finances and lacked control over my spending habits. After completing the program, I have noticed significant positive changes in my money management skills. Implementing the nervous system tips has helped me feel more calm and in control of my finances. Although I have done personal work on my own, this course has provided me with invaluable knowledge that I likely would have put off learning otherwise.”

    —Katharyn Havey

  3. I’m excited about my finances!

    “Since going through the Relaxed Money course, I have experienced an array of blessings, including an unexpected tax refund and securing a lucrative contract for training work. Utilizing the principles outlined in the program, I am now excited about my finances and have a newfound sense of abundance.”

    —Beverley Harper

  4. This is straightforward, easy to follow, and grounded in love.

    “Before joining the Relaxed Money course, I was perpetually crippled by anxiety and fear surrounding money. My past relationships only served to compound these feelings. However, after working with the Relaxed Money principles, I feel a newfound sense of ease and control over my finances. The principles are straightforward and easy to follow, and are grounded in love and nurturing. The best part is that I have the flexibility to progress at my own pace and revisit the material as many times as I want!”

    —Michelle Lane

  5. Life-changing.

    “I joined Relaxed Money because I wanted to take my relationship with money to the next level and bring in more ease. Since starting the course, I have noticed a significant improvement in my money habits and a newfound sense of ease. I now have a clear understanding of my finances and feel empowered to plan for the future with confidence. The positive changes in my relationship with money have been truly life-changing.”


  6. I feel empowered to plan for the future with confidence.

    “I have noticed a significant improvement in my money habits and a newfound sense of ease. I now have a clear understanding of my finances and feel empowered to plan for the future with confidence. The positive changes in my relationship with money have been truly life-changing. My new relaxed relationship with money healed the memory of pain and suffering around money and allowed me to see that the joy was always there!”

    —Lois Weaver

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I can’t come to the sessions live?

All modules will be delivered live and then available as a recording so if you can’t come live, watch the replays. You’ll have access to them for an entire year!

How long will I have access to the course material?

You’ll have an entire year to go through the program material at a pace that works for you and your lifestyle.

How long will each module be?

Each module is scheduled for an hour but sometimes Kate might get on a roll and go over so you might want to allow 60-90 minutes for each call.

What are the dates and times of the live modules?

The dates and times of the live modules are as follows. All calls will be scheduled for an hour but may occasionally go over so blocking 90 minutes is recommended. Times are in Eastern Standard Time (New York). Please note that on rare occasions a call date/time needs to change due to Kate’s schedule. We’ll give you as much advanced notice as possible should that happen and we appreciate your grace and understanding.

May 8 12 pm – 1 pm
May 15 12 pm – 1 pm
May 22 11:30am-12:30 pm
May 29 12 pm – 1 pm
Jun 7 1 pm – 2 pm
Jun 12 12 pm – 1 pm
Jun 19 12 pm – 1 pm
Jun 26 12 pm – 1 pm
Jul 10 12 pm-1 pm
Jul 17 12 pm – 1 pm
Jul 24 12 pm – 1 pm
Jul 31 12 pm – 1 pm
Aug 7 12 pm – 1 pm

Will Kate answer my questions personally?

There will be opportunities to submit questions throughout the program, and Kate will do her best to answer as many as possible. Please note, however, that this is a group program and we cannot guarantee that every single one of your questions will be answered personally.

What if I want a refund?

Relaxed Money was created for folks who are *committed* to shifting their relationship to money and taking action. You’ll receive live learning and coaching opportunities, and our community will be highly engaged along the way. When you say “YES!” to this experience — you’ll be one of them.

By May 17th at 11:59pm EST, you’ll have received access to two live calls and materials inside the program. That means you’ll be on your way to looking at your financial picture in a skillful way. If you still don’t feel excited and energized to continue this experience at this point, reach out to our team, and we’ll refund your investment. 

Can I take this program with my romantic partner?

Yes! We encourage you to go through this program with your romantic partner with your same login. If you have a business partner, you’d like to have take it along with you, email us at for a special discount code for them.

Where do I sign up?

Click the button below! I can’t wait to welcome you in.